Digital Glossary

A list of useful terminology to help us all communicate better.


Advanced Custom Fields is a WordPress plugin that helps enhance page and post templates by adding easy to fill-out input fields that non-devs can easily edit. There is a Free WordPress Plugin and a Pro version. We require both across our network of sites.

ACF Field Groups

ACF uses Field Groups to attach fields to posts. Each field group contains a title, fields, location rules and visual settings.


The American Disability Act is an “equal opportunity” law for people with disabilities. For the web, the goal is to make content accessible to people experiencing varying degrees of physical speech, cognitive, auditory, and visual disabilities. This can be achieved in a variety of ways including screen readers and audio.


The backend describes the area in which administrators access and control the website content that general users see.


CMS (Content Management System) is a software application that can used to manage the creation and modification of a website without needing to know any programming language.


Custom Post Types


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on a site. It can control colors, size, position of text, images, videos, and website structure.


A database is a collection of information structured in a way to be accessible and queried for information.

Dodgeball Groups

Dodgeball groups are permission groups that are managed by our internal Apps team. These groups are what allow you to sign into certain apps using your SSO credentials.


The frontend describes the area in which general users interact with sites.


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) describes to a browser how to render text, images, and the structure of a site.


Javascript is a programming language that allows you to manipulate how websites function. Most often used to create interactive experiences on a website.


PHP is a scripting language that communicates between a database and the web browser to serve information and/or handle data processing.


WordPress is a CMS designed for everyone, emphasizing accessibility, performance, and security. It’s easy to use and utilizes HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and Databases to create an easy to use content management system.